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National Autistic Society...

Voluntary self help group providing support and activities to the Carmarthenshire county.


Voluntary self help group providing support and activities to the Carmarthenshire county.

A voluntary self-help group offering activities and providing support to local individuals and families. The group is a parent group for Carmarthenshire residents. The branch arranges events for children and adults including regular autism friendly cinema screenings, soft play sessions and support at drop in coffee mornings.  Other events include exclusive access to a local Winter light spectacular outdoor trail, Pantomime visits, themed parties throughout the year and climbing activities. Events are planned for members to develop socially and to interact with their peers. The branch aims to provide members with information on local and national services and organisations. The branch is committed to enabling members to access the same opportunities as others. There is a branch social media Facebook page and an exclusive members only page where details of events and up and coming events are posted. Members can also exchange experiences and signpost information.



A voluntary self-help group offering activities and providing support to local individuals and families. The group is a parent group for Carmarthenshire residents. The branch arranges events for children and adults including regular autism friendly cinema screenings, soft play sessions and support at drop in coffee mornings.  Other events include exclusive access to a local Winter light spectacular outdoor trail, Pantomime visits, themed parties throughout the year and climbing...

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