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The Wallich

Creating a Wales where people stand together to provide hope, support and solutions to end homelessness


Creating a Wales where people stand together to provide hope, support and solutions to end homelessness

We believe that everyone deserves the right to a home, but more than that, that everyone deserves the right to feel safe, to feel valued and to feel positive about their future.

The Wallich operates under three core objectives: getting people off the streets; keeping people off the streets; and creating opportunities for people.

Our Rough Sleepers Intervention Teams (RSIT) continue to help the most vulnerable and chaotic homeless people on our streets by providing outreach in the form of hot food, advice, referrals and pathways out of homelessness.

Our accommodation and support consists of residential projects in which we temporarily support people in accommodation that we also manage.

These include direct access hostels, emergency night shelters and accommodation for people with specific issues such as substance misuse or mental health issues.

Our learning and employment projects are a range of services to encourage the people we support to use their current skills or gain new ones in order to get back into volunteering, education or employment.

We provide training courses, volunteering opportunities and practical workshops to support people to become work-ready.

Our Values


Courageous – We speak truth to power, we challenge ourselves and each other. We fearlessly pioneer new initiatives. We and our service users have the courage to drive change.

Determined – We will not stop. We will continue to strive to make big changes, not only for our charity but for the people we support. We will not lose passion or focus, even when it’s hard.

Authentic – We are genuine in our intentions, working on the front line with the people who need us. We walk the path alongside people and use peer experience to inform everything we do.

Compassionate – At all times – always. No matter how many times someone comes to us for help, we will listen, be empathetic and greet them with kindness.

Community – Everybody deserves to belong somewhere. As a team we are family and we embrace partnership. We strive for inclusion and acceptance of those affected by homelessness.

We believe that everyone deserves the right to a home, but more than that, that everyone deserves the right to feel safe, to feel valued and to feel positive about their future. The Wallich operates under three core objectives: getting people off the streets; keeping people off the streets; and creating opportunities for people. Our Rough Sleepers Intervention Teams (RSIT) continue to help the most vulnerable and chaotic homeless people on our streets by providing outreach in the...

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