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Step 1 - Register

Register for your account here by filling in some basic details like your email address and password.

We’ll send you an email with a verification link. Click on this link to set up your account.

Not received your email? See guidance here. Next step


Step 2 - Complete your profile

Once you have activated your account, complete your profile before adding your first offer or request. This includes:

We'll ask you for more information when you join the timebank. This is to help keep you and others safe. Once we have approved you, you'll receive an email notification and can start exchanging time with others. We'll give you 10 credits to get you started. Next step


Step 3 - Add an offer or request


You are now a fully fledged member of Connect 2 Kindness. Feel free to respond to offers and requests, or post your own.

To add your first offer or request, click on 'Your account', then  and choose offer or request.

It's a three-step process. Please ensure you add a postcode and tag with 'Best Match' filters to help others find it. Next step


Step 4 - Search for offers and requests

There are several ways to search for offers and requests:

  • You can search via postcode or neighbourhood.
  • You can search by type of help (e.g. Collect prescriptions).

To save time you can also use the "Best Match" button. This will automatically search for the most relevant offers and requests based on your saved profile.


Would you like to save your progress?

Note: Saving as a draft means your activity will be available for you to edit in your dashboard.​

Selecting delete marks your activity as deleted in your dashboard.​

Please sign in or register

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